Witold Sadowski

Witold Sadowski, a leader of the project, is an assistant professor at the Institute of Polish Literature, University of Warsaw. His research interests are: history and theory of verse, history and theory of literary genres, comparative literature (literature and arts, literature and religion). Since 2012 he is the deputy director of the Institute of Polish Literature, University of Warsaw. He is also the founder and leader of the Section for the Poetics of Verse at the same university.

Author of the books (in Polish): “Tekst graficzny Białoszewskiego” (Graphic Text of Białoszewski, 1999), “Wiersz wolny jako tekst graficzny” (Free Verse as a Graphic Text, 2004), “Litania i poezja. Na materiale literatury polskiej od XI do XXI wieku” (Litany and Poetry. On the Body of Material of Polish Literature from the Eleventh to the Twenty-First Century, 2011).

Editor of the book (in Polish): “Potencjał wiersza” (Potential of Verse, 2013).

Co-editor of the books (in Polish): “Herbert: poetyka, wartości i konteksty” (2002), “Poetyki Leśmiana” (2002), “Karol Wojtyła ― poeta” (2006).

Co-editor of the journal’s issue (in English): “Sources of Verse” (2013).