Forme e legame litanici in alcune laude mariane del Duecento

Magdalena Maria Kubas, “Forme e legame litanici in alcune laude mariane del Duecento,” in Forme letterarie del Medioevo romanzo: testo, interpretazione e storia, a cura di Antonio Pioletti e Stefano Rapisarda (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2016), 255-270.

During the thirteenth century the Italian vernacular lauda, from Rayna possentissima to Laudario di Cortona, presents an important connection with the litanic genre. This paper proposes an analysis of the development of the Marian semantics based on the translation of Akathist’ circumlocutions, and on some peculiar formal solutions, especially on forms of invocation linked with repetitiveness as a poetic strategy of which the composers of the lauda take advantage.