Kowalska. Le Plan des litanies

Le plan des litanies poétiques médiévales

Magdalena Kowalska, « Certainement le siècle ains ordenée ». Le plan des litanies poétiques médiévales, “Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria Filologie. Limbi şi literaturi romanice”, XIX (2015), 1.

The aim of this article is to show the importance of the order of events in

litanies in poetry of medieval France. This formal aspect of religious

poetry of that time has not been considered in prior research due to the

discussion of a litany as a textual form which does not involve the

sequence of events ordered by time and the succession of causes and

effects. This aspect needs to be analyzed in the works of Rutebeuf,

Eustache Deschamps, Georges Chastellain, Jean Meschinot as well as in

Romans dou Lis.